Benefits of CAFM and ERP Integration

There are many software solutions available today to help companies achieve greater efficiency. Two systems stand out in particular, especially in the manufacturing world: CAFM and ERP.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become a necessity for any modern business. This software is customizable to the business’ needs. With an ERP system, you can integrate all the core processes in your business including warehouse management, product planning and control. You can also integrate your main administration functions including human resource management and accounting.

An ERP helps companies:
·         Save money
·         Enhance productivity
·         Improve collaboration
·         Improve consistency and accuracy
·         Improve customer satisfaction

Computer Aided Facility Management systems (CAFM) are also becoming increasingly popular in the service. These enterprise asset management solutions help companies to manage and control equipment alongside plant maintenance. Failure to maintain or update your equipment can lead to data loss, broken parts, incompatibility and other breakdowns. This can result in downtime that will cost your company a lot of money in losses. A CAFM helps you achieve this in the following ways:
·         Scheduling regular maintenance
·         Managing and prioritizing work tickets
·         Tracking inventory
·         Analyzing data and data trends

A CAFM will increase your company’s productivity, reduce downtime and prolong your equipment’s life.

Benefits of integration

CAFM integration into your ERP system will allow you to unify the maintenance operations of your company with other major processes in your business. This integration allows you to seamlessly tie your inventory, purchasing, accounting and other data from your ERP system directly with your maintenance operations. This improves your overall asset management efforts.
The key benefits of CAFM integration into your ERP include:
·         The achievement of the best process automation
·         The combination of the simplicity provided by your CAFM with the data resources provided by your ERP.
·         Increased accessibility to data
·         The elimination of redundant data
·         Reduced costs in operation
·         Improved responsiveness both externally and internally

Running Smooth Maintenance Operations

Effective CAFM integration will make a big difference to any company. It will drive quality in service and ensure regulatory compliance. It will also help to control the costs of operation.
In order to ensure that integration is done effectively, the following guidelines should be considered.
1.    Consider all the points of integration
Which parts of the ERP will you integrate with the CAFM? For example, will you share a completed purchase order or synchronize the part quantities? Sharing an entire purchase order may be difficult on some systems. Synchronize the parts on the CAFM with the purchase order on the ERP.
2.    Get expert help
CAFM integration may require some configuration support for your ERP system. You will need to consider whether you have the internal expertise to make the interface work or if you will need to turn to a consultant for support.
3.    Take it one step at a time
Rushing into integration can be disastrous. It is best to take your time to understand your CAFM while you finalize your plans for integration. While this may take some weeks or months, it is a safer route to take. Designing the integration based on product experience will result in a less expensive attempt than diving right into the interface design.
4.    Assess your needs
Many CAFM vendors provide capabilities for interface integration. However, it is important to ensure that these can be configured to meet your organizations specific requirements and needs.


CAFM integration will allow you to get the best of both worlds and get the most out of your ERP system. Ensure that you define your business goals and properly identify points of integration.


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